Request Commands

The Request Commands function is for use with meters and ERTs that are configured to run at some level of security–that is, to respond only to secure or signed commands issued by Itron Security Manager (ISM). For more information about security levels, see Understand Meter and ERT Security Levels.

The Request Commands function lets you retrieve security material from the FDM Tools server for later use with secured devices. Clicking Request Commands opens a command retrieval screen, consisting of two tabs. In the Request tab, you enter the IDs and device types of the devices you plan to work with and retrieve commands. The Current Commands tab provides summary information about the commands you have available, and the devices for which those commands are meant. For more information about requesting commands and the Current Commands summary information, expand the sections below.

Your mobile device must be connected to the FDM Tools server for the mobile application to perform the Request Commands function. If your mobile device can establish an internet connection to the FDM Tools server, you can also open the Request Commands screen and retrieve security material while working in the field.

Tip:  You must have an internet connection with the FDM Tools server to request commands. If you aren't sure that you will be able to connect to the internet while out in the field, perform Request Commands before going out in the field.

After you request commands, Field Tools retrieves the security material issued by ISM for each meter and ERT, as well as a list of the commands you have permission to perform. After you have retrieved this information from the server, you are ready to work with the secured meters and/or ERTs you listed in the command retrieval screen.

Important!  You can successfully issue a secure command to a secured endpoint only once. After that, you cannot perform the command’s function again without first downloading another secure command from the server. If you attempt to send a secure command to a device after that command has already been successfully sent to that endpoint (for instance, by another FSR’s mobile device), the ERT or meter responds by sending the previously sent information, along with a message indicating that the command is a replay. In rare cases, the endpoint may erroneously indicate a replay.